NY National Guard Human Resources Banner

ADOS Packets

The process is as follows for completing ADOS packets:

1) Review and follow the ADOS Packet Checklist.  Soldiers must initial to the left of each statement to verify that they meet the minimum criteria.

2) ADOS packets MUST contain all the forms (listed below) listed at the top of Page 2 of the ADOS Packet Checklist.  Any packets received without all required documentation will be returned without action.

3) PHA must be within 15 months of ADOS Order start date.

4) HIV Test Date must be within two-years of ADOS Order start date.

**Packets must be routed through GOCOM then MNOT before arriving at MNHF-AGR**



DA Form 1058-R **form must be verified/signed by unit commander**

NGB Form 1058-1R

**DA 1058-R and NGB 1058-1R must reflect actual number of days requested, FY ends at Sept 30 **

NGB Form 23A (Retirement Point Accounting Statement)

Orders Query (used to determine last 31-day break in orders)

Individual Medical Readiness (IMR) printout (from MEDPROS)

DA Form 705 (Passing APFT or ACFT if new Soldier)

DA 5500 (Within 6 months of start date)

JPAS Statement (Security Clearance Verification as required)

DA Form 1506 (Statement of Service)

DA Form 4856 (ADOS Counseling Form)

Policy Memorandums

FTNGD-OS Policy Memorandum

Change 1 to FTNGD-OS Policy Memorandum

© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Army: ADOS Packets
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/army/?p=1407179179
Page Last Modified: 16 Nov 22