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Air National Guard Statutory Tour Vacancies


Air National Guard personnel may volunteer to serve on active duty under the National Guard Bureau, Title 10, United States Code, Section 12301(d), Armed Forces Statutory Tour of Duty Program (Statutory Tour Program). While on active duty they serve as members of the Air National Guard of the United States (ANGUS) in a Reserve of the Air Force status. Tours of duty are available in the Statutory Tour Program at many locations that include, but are not limited to, the National Guard Bureau (NGB), the Air National Guard Readiness Center (ANGRC), the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD), the office of the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF), Headquarters, United States Air Force (HQ USAF), the Major Commands (MAJCOM) and other Air National Guard Operating Locations (ANG/OL). By their service, members of the ANGUS provide the NGB and its federal mission with a positive influence on the development and implementation of plans, programs, and policies, and they provide their expertise in functional and operational areas to staff agencies within the Department of Defense (DoD). The overall benefit of the Statutory Tour Program is the enhancement of NGB’s mission by helping (1) Management decisions to reflect current ANG missions and weapons system requirements while at the same time (2) Providing ANGUS personnel with the opportunity to apply their exceptional field experience and expertise in a policy making environment.

Air National Guard Stat Tour Vacancies

Application Procedures

Frequently Asked Questions

Air National Guard Force Development

Have more questions? Please contact:

DSN: 612-8884
Comm: (240) 612-8884


© NYS DMNA: NYNG Human Resources: AGR: Air: Air National Guard Statutory Tour Vacancies
URL: https://dmna.ny.gov/hro/agr/air/?p=1407853178
Page Last Modified: 12 Aug 14