SARTS State Teams

The New York National Guard Marathon Guard Team

The New York National Guard Marathon Team is made up of female and male competitive runners from the Air and Army National Guard units in New York State. On the first Sunday of each May the team competes in the National Guard Marathon Trials, which runs in conjunction with the National Guard/Lincoln Marathon (26.2 miles) in Lincoln, NE. Most states and two territories, Puerto Rico and Guam, are represented.

Every year the NY team is selected from individuals who have the fastest times run from an official marathon (26.2 miles) during the 13 months preceding the National Guard/Lincoln Marathon.

The Guard runners compete for both team and individual awards at the National Guard/Lincoln Marathon. The top 40 Guard males and top 15 Guard females qualify for the "All Guard" Team.

If you would like more information or have any questions in reference to the National Guard Marathon Team, contact the NY National Guard Marathon Team Coordinator, TSGT Shannon Pingitore:

New York National Guard Team Members

NY National Guard Marathon Team, 2010
(Left - Right) SSG Matthew Starr, MSGT Walter Bird, MSGT Shannon Pingitore, CW2 Heather Langley, CW4 Russell Hoyer, SFC Barry Brill
© NYS DMNA: Small Arms Readiness and Training Section: Teams
Page Last Modified: 27 Sep 22